03843-265900 vced.kxj@gmail.com +91 87239 63517 (M)
Extension of Date of 2nd Merit List of admission into the B.Ed course-24-26

Campus and Infrastructure

1. Campus and Infrastructure

a. Available Land Area : 3242.69 sqm.

b. The available land is on : Ownership basis

c. Built-up area : 3023.41 sqm.

d. Fire safety equipment has been installed : YES

The same isinstalled as per Building Bye Laws: YES

e. The facilities available for differently abled persons

f. The Hostel facilities are available: No

i. Separate facilities are available for female students

ii. Number of male and female students for whom facilities are available

  • Male Students : Does not Arise
  • Female Students : Does not Arise

g(I) The information regarding the available infrastructure are as per the following

SL. No.InfrastructureWhether available: Yes/NoSize in Sq. ft.
a.i. Classroom 1
ii. Classroom 2
iii. Classroom 3
iv. Classroom 4
v. Classroom 5
vi. Classroom 6
vii. Classroom 7
viii. Classroom 8
ix. Classroom 9
x. Classroom 10
xi. Classroom 11
xii. Classroom 12
xiii Classroom 13
b.Multipurpose HallYes2000
c.Library-cum-Reading RoomYes1062
d.ICT Resource Centre1083
e.Curriculum Laboratory Yes1065
f.Art & Resource CentreYes140
g.Health & Physical Education Resource CentreYes1062
h.Multipurpose PlayfieldYes116122

G(ii) Administrative Facilities Available in the Institution

SL. No.FacilitiesYes/No
a.Principal's OfficeYes
b.Staff RoomsYes
c.Administrative OfficeYes
d.Visitors RoomYes
e.Separate Common Room for male & female studentsNo
f.Seminar RoomYes
h.Separate Toilet facility for male & female studentsYes
i.Separate Toilet facility for StaffYes
j.Separate Toilet facility for differently abled personsNo
k.Parking SpaceYes
l.Open space for Additional AccommodationYes
m.Store RoomYes
n.Medical facilityYes

2. Teaching and Non-teaching Staff

No. of staff members in position at the time of commencement of the Current Session:

a. Principal/HOD
b Academic Staff:

  • Professor
  • Associate Professor/Reader
  • Assistant Professor/Lecturer
  • Any other
  • Total Academic Staff

c. Total Administrative

Technical and Professional Staff

d. No. of Vacant positions as on the date of last Revision of website

SL. No.Academic PositionsNo. of Vacant PositionsOther StaffNo. of Vacant Position
i.Principal/HODAdministrative Staff
ii.ProfessorTechnical Staff
iii.Associate Professor/ReaderProfessional Staff
iv.Assistant Professor/Lecturer

e. Number of Academic and other Staff recruited during the Current Session

  • Academic: 0000
  • Other: 0000

f. Number of Academic and other Staff who left the institution during the Current Session (2016-17)

  • Academic: 0000
  • Other: 0000

The list of staff be provided in Tabular form as given below:

A. Academic Staff as on ………………

The list of staff be provided in Tabular form as given below:

SL. NoName of the Staff MemberDesignationAcademic QualificationProfessional QualificationDate of BirthDate of AppointmentNature of AppointmentWhether Approved by the Affiliating University/BodyPay Scale or Consolidated Amount
Total EmolumentsRetirements Benefits CPF etc.PhotographRemarks
1Dr. Jayeeta BhattacharjeePrincipalM. Sc. (Chemistry),B.Ed.
M. Ed. (Gold medalist)PhD
B. Ed. College. Karimganj. Assam
Computer Diploma, Basics in Computer27-02-19801. 01-07-2008
2. 07-04-2021(As Principal)
Regular Yes, By the AUS and G.B of the College. Rs. 30,392.00Rs. 32,600Yes, PPF is there for all regular staff of the collegeFull-time Principal of the college .
2Miss Bijoya ChakrabortyLecturer M.A. (Edu.), M.A. (Pol. Sc.) B.Ed.------26-09-1963 11-4-98 Regular Yes, By the AUS and G.B of the College. Rs. 28,592.00Rs. 30,800.00Yes, PPF is there for all regular staff of the collegeFull-time Lecturer of the college .
3Dr. Bonani MazumderLectuter M.Sc. (Botany), B.Ed., PhD, M.Ed, NET-UGC, SLET -NE,-------15-11-1969 01-12-00Regular Yes, By the AUS and G.B of the College. Rs. 28,592.00Rs. 30,800.00Yes, PPF is there for all regular staff of the collegeFull-time Lecturer of the college .
4Ms. Debolina DebLectuter M.A. (Bengali), M.Ed. (M. Phill. Scholar)-------25-10-1979 15-6-2009Regular Yes, By the AUS and G.B of the College. Rs. 28,352.00Rs. 30,560.00Yes, PPF is there for all regular staff of the collegeFull-time Lecturer of the college .
5Antarlina ChowdhuryRs. 27,852.00Rs. 30,560.00
6Anamika Kar Rs. 26,992.00Rs. 29,200.00
7Tomali ChoudhuryRs. 15,370.00Rs. 17550.00
8Tithi Roy ChoudhuryRs. 9,915.00Rs. 10,065.00
9Ramendra Bhattacharjee
10Pranesh Rn. Deb
11Kollol Dhar Rs. 9,915.00Rs. 10,065.00
12Ishani D. Purkayastha Rs. 8,000.00Rs. 8,000.00

B. Administrative, Professional and Technical Staffs as on

S. No.
Name of the Staff MembersDesignationAcademic QualificationProfessional QualificationDate of BirthDate of AppointmentNature of AppointmentPay Scale or Consolidated AmountTotal EmolumentsRetirement Benefits CPF etc. PhotographRemarks

i. If more than one Teacher Education Programme is offered, the staff list be provided separately for each programme

ii. Academic Qualification-MA/M/ Sc./M. Com./ etc.

iii. Professional Qualification-B. Ed., M. Ed. etc.

iv. While mentioning the qualifications, subject at PG or Ph. D. Level must be mentioned such as MA English, Ph. D. Education etc.

v. Nature of appointment: Permanent Full time, Temporary, Probation, Contract, Guest Faculty etc.

vi. Mention the vacant positions also in the Staff list. In the ‘Remarks’ columns mention the date since when the position is vacant and steps taken to fill the vacant positions.

3. Students on the Rolls of the Institution

This section shall include the following information about the students on the Rolls of the institution:

a) Date of commencement of the current academic session: 00000

b) Last date fixed by the affiliating body for admission: 00000

c) Date of last admission made in the institution: 00000

d) Mode of selection of students; whether students are selected by the affiliating Body or by the institution (Mark which is applicable)

  • Selected by Affiliating Body
  • Selected by State Government
  • Selected by Institution

e) Whether entrance test is conducted by the Institution/affiliating body/State Govt: 0000

f) No. of students enrolled in the current academic session: 00000

g) Category- wise distribution of students

ProgrammeNo. of Male StudentsNo. of female StudentsNo. of students enrolled in SC categoryNo. of students enrolled in ST categoryNo. of students enrolled in OBC categoryNo. of students enrolled in Unreserved categoryTotal Students in Programme

h) No. of students in each Pedagogy Subject

Programme NamePedagogy SubjectsNumber of Students Enrolled
Hindi/Regional Language
Social Science
B. Ed. Mathematics
Physical Science
Life Science
Any other type (Pl. Specify)
D. El. Ed

i) Details of enrolled students

Students Enrolled for the Current Session

Programme: ——

Academic Session : ——

S No.Name of the StudentName of motherName of fatherAadhar card number(if available)GenderCategoryQualifying Examination%age of marks in the qualifying examinationPedagogy Subject-IPedagogy Subject-2Remarks

Financial Status

a. Endowment Fund maintained by the TEI

FDR Number .. .

b.Reserve Fund maintained by the TEI

Amount: ….
Bank: ….
FDR Number ……… ……. …..

Note: Details of Endowment Fund and Reserve Fund be provided separately for each Programme.

Sl. NoProgrammeTotal Annual Fee charged by the Institution
(Current Session)
Fee fixed by the Governing Body of the College
(Current Session)-
1B. Ed (2-Year) for 1st and 2nd Semester
2B. Ed (2-Year) for 2nd and 4th Semester 38,500.002018-2020
3D.Ed (2-year Course) 1st Year 27,960.002018-2020
4D.Ed (2-year Course) 1st Year 24,000.002018-2020

d. Mention if Fee concession or scholarships are given to students: YES/ NO

If yes, give details


e. Income during the previous academic session

s. No.Head/Source of IncomeIncome in INR
1.Income from fees
2.Grant received from State govt. if any
3.Income from other sources: donation etc.
Total Income

f. Expenditure during the Previous Academic Session

S. No.Head of ExpenditureExpenditure in INR
ACapital Expenditure
1.Expenditure incurred on augmentation of infrastructure
2.Expenditure incurred on augmentation of Instructional Resources
BRecurring Expenditure
3.Staff Salary
4.Interest Payment on loans
5.Loan Repayment
6.Miscellaneous expenditure
CTransfer to Capital Account
7.Transfer to Governing Body
Total Expenditure

g. Whether Balance Sheet of the previous Academic Session has been displayed : Yes/No

Note: Balance sheet of the previous academic session be displayed

5. Instructional Resources

A. Library

a) Sitting capacity in the Reading Room: 00000

b) Number of Books: 00000

c) Number of Titles: 00000

d) Number of Reference books like encyclopedias, dictionaries, Documents, reports etc.: 00000

e) Names of journals subscribed:

i. …….
ii. …….
iii. …….
iv. …….
v. …….
vi. …….
vii. …….
viii. …….
ix. …….
x. …….

f. Number of books added during the previous academic session: 00000

g. Number of books added during the current academic session: 00000

B. ICT Resource Centre

  • Number of Computer systems: 00000
  • Availability of Internet facility: 00000
  • Accessibility of Internet facility to students: 00000
  • Number of CD ROMs: 00000
  • Number of Resources added during the Current Session Name of Resource: 00000
    i. ……
    ii. ……
    iii. ……
    iv. ……
  • Number of Resources added during the previous academic session Name of Resource
    i. ……
    ii. ……
    iii. ……
    iv. ……

C. Art & Craft Resource Centre (Essential items available be mentioned)

i. ………….
ii. ………….
iii. ………….
iv. ………….
v. ………….
vi. ………….

Number of Resources added during the previous academic session Name of Resource

i. ……… 00000
ii. ……… 00000
iii. ……… 00000
iv. ……… 00000

D. Curriculum Laboratory (Essential items available be mentioned)

Number of Resources added during the previous academic session Name of Resource

i. ……… 00000
ii. ……… 00000
iii. ……… 00000
iv. ……… 00000

E. Physical Education Resource Centre (Essential items available be mentioned)

i. …………..
ii. …………..
iii. …………..
iv. …………..
v. …………..
vi. …………..

Number of Resources added during the previous academic session Name of Resource

i. …. 00000
ii. …. 00000
iii. …. 00000
iv. …. 00000

F. Anatomy, Physiology, and Health Education Laboratory, Sports Psychology Laboratory, Care and Rehabilitation Laboratory, and Human Performance Laboratory (For the B. P. Ed, M. P. Ed and D. P. Ed Programmes) (Essential items available be mentioned)

Anatomy, Physiology, and Health Education Laboratory

SL.Write "A" for Available and "NA" for not Available
i.Human Skeleton
ii.Haemoglobin Meter
iii.Human Body System Charts displaying all systems (at least one separate chart for each body system)
iv.Weighing Machine
v.Human body organ system models

Number of Resources added during the previous academic session

Name of Resource

i. ……………………………….. : 0000

ii. ……………………………….. : 0000

iii. ……………………………….. : 0000

iv. ……………………………….. : 0000

Human Performance Laboratory

(For B. P. Ed., and M. P. Ed. Programmes)

S. No.ResourcesWrite "A" for Available and "NA" for not Available
i.Peak Flow Meters
ii.Dry Spiro Meters
iii.Heart Rate Monitors
iv.Grip Dynamometers
v.B.P. Apparatus (Sphygmomanometers & Stethoscope)

Physiotherapy, Athletic, Care & Rehabilitation Laboratory

(For B. P. Ed. and M. P. Ed. Programme)

S. No.ResourcesWrite "A" for Available and "NA" for not Available
i.Infra-red lamp
ii.Diagnostic Table
iii.Thermometer (Clinical)
iv.Sterilizing Unit
v.First Aid Box (Preliminary & Advanced)
vi.Ultrasound Therapy Unit

Number of Resources added during the previous academic session

Name of Resource

i. ……………………………….. : 0000

ii. ……………………………….. : 0000

iii. ……………………………….. : 0000

iv. ……………………………….. : 0000

Sports Psychology Laboratory

(For B. P. Ed. and M. P. Ed. Programme)

S. No.ResourcesWrite "A" for Available and "NA" for not Available
a.Psychological tests
b.Instruments for testing psychological characteristics (with rating scales & manuals)

Number of Resources added during the previous academic session

Name of Resource

i. ……………………………….. : 0000

ii. ……………………………….. : 0000

iii. ……………………………….. : 0000

iv. ……………………………….. : 0000

Sports Bio-mechanics Laboratory

(For M. P. Ed. Programme)

S. NO.ResourcesWrite "A" for Available and "NA" for not Available
a.Electronic Goniometer (Latest Module)
b.Gait Analysis system for anytime and anywhere alternatively pressure plate

Number of Resources added during the previous academic session

Name of Resource

i. ……………………………….. : 0000

ii. ……………………………….. : 0000

iii. ……………………………….. : 0000

iv. ……………………………….. : 0000

Mention if the Institution offering programmes in Physical Education possesses following facilities

Sl. No.FacilitiesWrite "A" for Available and "NA" for not Available
i.Sports & Field Equipment for Athletics"A"
vi.Volley Ball"A"
viii.Lawn Tennis"N"
ix.Athletic Track"A"

Number of Resources added during the previous academic session

Name of Resource

i. ……………………………….. : 0000

ii. ……………………………….. : 0000

iii. ……………………………….. : 0000

iv. ……………………………….. : 0000

G. Diploma in Visual Arts Education

G (i) Resource Centre/Studios for Diploma in Visual Arts Education

Sl. No.Resource Centre/StudiosWrite "A" for Available and "NA" for not Available
i.Resource Centre for Arts Education with ET and ICT facilities
ii.Art studio for painting with facilities for fifty students
iii.Applied arts studio with facilities for fifty students
iv.Sculpture studio with facilities for fifty students

G (ii)- Equipment and Materials for Resource Centres and Art Studios

Sl. No.Equipment and Materials for Resource Centre and Art StudiosWrite "A" for Available and "NA" for not Available
i.Books on arts & crafts, Journals, & Magazines
ii.Audio-visual equipment-YV, DVD Player, Electronic Projector
iii.Audio-visual aids, video-audio tapes, slides, films, CDs
iv.Measurement tools
v.Children's Books
vi.Teaching Aids-Charts, Pictures
vii.Motivational Materials such as
viii.Work of well-known artists and master craft person Easels
ix.Drawing Board
xi.Applied Arts kit and Raw Material
xii.TV, DVD Player, Slide Projector

Number of Resources added during the previous academic session

Name of Resource

i. ……………………………….. : 0000

ii. ……………………………….. : 0000

iii. ……………………………….. : 0000

iv. ……………………………….. : 0000

H. Diploma in Performing Arts Education

H (i)- Resource Centre and Music Rooms

Sl. No.Resource Centre and Music RoomsWrite "A" for Available and "NA" for not Available
i.Resource Centre for Arts Education with ET and JCT facilities"A"
ii.Performing Arts Resource Centre with Mirror"A"
iii.Instrumental Music Room with Mirrors"A"
iv.Vocal Music Room with Mirrors"A"

H (ii)-

Sl. No.Equipment and Materials for Resource Centres and M usic RoomsWrite "A" for Available and "NA" for not Available
i.Books on music/danced/theatre, Journals, & Magazines
ii.Children's Books
iii.Teaching Aids
iv.Audio-visual equipment-TV, DVD Player, Electronic Projector
v.CDs on performing arts
vii.Regional Musical Instruments
ViiiBasic musical instruments: harmonium, keyboard tabla, dholak/ Naal, Tanpura, Hammer
ix.Costumes, Jewellery used in various dance forms and theatrical forms
x.Costume ward
xi.Instruments used in hindustani & karmnatic music, like sitar, veena, mrdangam/pakhawa j, elctronic tanpura

Number of Resources added during the previous academic session

Name of Resource

i. ……………………………….. : 0000

ii. ……………………………….. : 0000

iii. ……………………………….. : 0000

iv. ……………………………….. : 0000

6. Academic Management

In this section, the TEis are required to provide the following information:

  • Daily working hours: 0000
  • Number of working days in a week: 0000
  • Total no. of working days in the previous academic session: 0000
  • Average daily attendance during the current session: 0000
  • Programme -wise Results of Students for last three years: 0000

Pass % age in the final examination during the last three academic sessions

Sl. No.ProgrammeSession 2013-14Session 2014-15Session 2015-16

Number of Ex-students of the Institution who qualified in the Central or State Eligibility Test during the Previous two years:

YearNumber of Students AppearedNumber of Students Qualified

Mention the value added courses if offered by the TEI on own its initiative


Name & Number of schools available for internship during the current session

a) Govt./ Govt. aided Schools

i. …………………………………………………

ii. …………………………………………………

iii. …………………………………………………

iv. …………………………………………………

b) Private recognised Unaided School

i. …………………………………………………

ii. …………………………………………………

iii. …………………………………………………

iv. …………………………………………………

c) Rural Schools

i. …………………………………………………

ii. …………………………………………………

iii. …………………………………………………

iv. …………………………………………………

d) Urban Schools

i. …………………………………………………

ii. …………………………………………………

iii. …………………………………………………

iv. …………………………………………………

  • Total number of internship days in the previous academic session : 0000
  • Total number of Mentor teachers associated with the Internship : 0000


  • Did the institution conduct orientation programme for the students before the commencement of Internship: Yes/ No
  • Did the Institution conduct the Planning cum consultation meeting with the Heads of Internship Schools?: Yes/ No

Details of Internship School

Sl. No.Name of the SchoolLocation (Rural/Urban/Rural)Management (Government/ Government Aided/ Private Unaided)Total Number of Students in the SchoolDistance from the TEINo. of students teachers deputed for Internship

Details of Academic Programmes like Conference, Seminars, Workshops, Training Programmes organized, during the previous academic session:



Seminars and Workshop


Training Programmes


Details of events/Celebrations organized during the previous academic session:


7. Governance Structures:

a) Has the institution Constituted the Management Committee: Yes/ No

If yes, display the composition along with names of the members mentioning their names, Qualification, Profession/Occupation etc.

Details of the members of the Management Committee

Sl.NoNameEducational QualificationProfessional OccupationDesignation


i. Profession/Occupation: Educationist, Business, Agriculture, Medical Professional, etc.

ii. Designation: Chairman, Member Secretary, Correspondent, Manager etc.

No. of meetings of the Management Committee held during the Previous academic session: 0000

b) Has institution established a Grievance Red ressal Mechanism?: Yes/No

If yes, give details


c) Has the institution established anti-ragging mechanism?: Yes/No

If yes, give details


d) Has the Institution constituted the Quality Assurance Cell? Yes/ No

e) Mention if any other structure has been created to enhance effectiveness of the Institution


8. Revision/Modification of Website

i. Academic session in respect of which above information in Part II is provided.

ii. Date of last Revision of website ………………………………………………… ..

iii. Periodicity of Website Revision

  • Quarterly
  • Half Yearly
  • Annually


Certified that the data provided in the website is authentic to the best of my knowledge, Further, I am duly authorised by the management of the Institution to provide the Information

Name …………………………….. .

Designation …………………… ..

E-mail id:……………………….. .

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