College Information
Go through the requirements of the CollegeIdentity Card
Each student is required to college Identity card from the college office after admission. Students are required to submit two copies of password size photos along with necessary fees.
They are to wear them as well during the college hours.
Attendance Requirements
The college provides classes between 10 AM and 5 PM. Working days exceed 90 in each semester. The tradition is always maintained. All students should attend a minimum of 80% of classes, and attend all Practice Teaching Classes, and complete all sessional works. Attendance in –
i ) General and other classes,
ii) Sessional Works,
iii) Co-curricular activities, and
iv) Practice Teaching classes
is counted for determining credit points which influence result.
All payments are received on issue of receipts from the college office. Once a student gets admitted, no refund is permissible if he/she opts out of the course after the admission in closed. Payment may be made in cash or by demand draft or by online money transfer through / with SBI, Karimganj, Branch, Assam.